Enjoy inspiring Workshops and seminars and bring the new input in your dance! In the Workshops and seminars, which are held in English, you receive technology, tips and inspiration from the professional maestros for your tango!
A = alle levels M = intermediate F = advanced P = Professionell
Dance to the music!
In this workshop we will analyse how the instruments interact in the orchestra in order to investigate the ways in which we can express the music, sometimes in dancing to a specific instrument or sometimes in dancing to a different one.
Friday 19/07/19 4:45 pm-6:15 pm Residenz Juan Marin y Stefania [WS-1] M
Delicious turns
Turns with complex elements: Ganchos, Voleos for leaders and followers, changes of direction and changes of dynamic. Delicious elements, which enrich your Vals!
Interesting rhythmic possibilities and harmonic structures in the magnificent Valescito Criollo.Linear sequences with style.
Saturday 20/07/19 12:00 pm-1:30 pm Residenz Pancho y Josefina [WS-3] M
Milonga Traspié
Musicality, close embrace and combinations, playing with the accentuation. We will study different combinations of steps, rebounds and cuts that will allow us to articulate the music at will, while the embrace remains active and comfortable for both in the couple.
Saturday 20/07/19 2:30 pm-4:00 pm Residenz Juan Martin y Stefania [WS-4] A
Technique Secrets
Which technique actually is important for the tango? Secrets of the technique by Fabian y Josefina: The technique of 3 axes, technique of the 3 basis points of the foot, the technique of 8 points.
Saturday 20/07/19 2:30 pm-4:00 pm Residenz Pancho y Josefina [WS-5] M
Turns and Creativity
Do you always dance the same turns in the Milonga? How to break the normal pattern to create your own giros. Break open the old pattern by using your creativity and learning how you can use your own abilities to create new, individual turns.
Saturday 20/07/19 4:15 pm-5:45 pm Residenz Juan Martin y Stefania [WS-6] M-F
Closed or open? The importance of distance and space in the Embrace. When and how to utilize them. Vertical axis, inneraxis, outer axis, the 90 degree Embrace.
Sunday 21/07/19 12:00 pm -1:30 pm Tango Pasión Pancho y Josefina [WS-7] A
Dancing Vals with Biagi
Let's understand the Vals Criollo in its 3/4 tact and set accents while dancing. In this workshop the orchestra of Biagi will be analyzed and we will offer figures and exercises for the tasteful and musical dance.
Sunday 21/07/19 1:45pm -3:15pm Tango Pasión Juan Martin y Stefania [WS-8] A
Delicious Structures - Master Class
Is it important to know the history? In this seminar you will learn about tango history which you ought to know! Traditional structures from A to Z (beginnings, endings, basic steps, turns, tango fantasía, reverse steps).
Here the knowledge, the experiences and anecdotes of the old Milongueros will enrich the seminar . It is an experience to listen to him and a joy to understand the importance of the history of our dance.
The Master-Class for Tango de Pista!
At the end of the seminar the Maestros will issue a participation certificate on request.
Sunday 21/07/19 1:45 pm-5:00 pm inkl. 15 min. pause Tango Pasión Pancho y Josefina [MC] F-P